The set_defaults Script

Setting up a consistent diagram design environment can be challenging, because most organizations have at least some standards and conventions of their own that they want to use. Therefore, part of the P&ID program code is loaded and executed from the set_defaults script of the project environment, and each user organization can freely change the code in that file, as long as the interface remains intact.

The set_defaults script can be stored in the library or the project database, and in the CADMATIC example project it can be found from [library] > Resources > Scripts > pd > setup. This file allows the following setup tasks to be configured as appropriate:

  • Pre-fill values when the user is editing the database data of a diagram object.
  • Generate unique IDs for diagram objects.
  • Manage the menu item data of instruments.
  • Get instrument symbol parameters from the database image.

Version Detector

The set_defaults script includes the function call

CadmaticVersion( ) { return( 52 ); }

The return value from this call is the actual CADMATIC version number. The program checks the version number and notifies the user if the version number is too small. Thus, the administrator knows when to update the script.

Pre-filling Database Records

When a diagram designer is inserting a new object to a diagram by using a Diagram Object Template, the template already has some of the data that the new object requires, so it is convenient to pre-fill the relevant data before showing the data fields to the user. The database field "MenuItmData" functions as a key to the data to be added. The CADMATIC example project uses a lookup table (COMPLOOKUP) to store the descriptions in English according to MenuItmData.

When a user is inserting a diagram object whose main database table is ARMATURES, ELECTRICS, EQUIPMENTS or INSTRUMENTS, the application calls the following script function before showing the data editor to the user:

SET_DEFAULTS(string tblname, string type, string sys, string groupname, /* inout: */ listimage, typeimage)


The name of the main database table, such as ARMATURES.


The name of the sub-table, such as CABLES, ILINES, PIPES or VALVES.


The name of the System.


For ARMATURES and PIPES this is the pipeline ID.
For ELECTRICS this is the electric circuit.
For INSTRUMENTS this is the instrument tag name.
For EQUIPMENTS this argument is an empty string.


The database image of the main table to be filled. Note that the field MenuItmData is already filled.


The database image of the sub-table to be filled.

After the user has edited the data and accepts the changes, the application calls the following script function to check the validity of the data:

CHECK_DATA(string tblname, string type, string sys, string groupname, /* inout: */ listimage, typeimage)

If the return value is not zero, the data is not accepted and the editing restarts.

The CHECK_DATA function is also called when the compare functionality is used to update the P&ID data from the 3D model—see Compare P&ID objects with 3D model.

Managing the ID Generator

The application requires unique names for Position IDs, Pipelines, Instrument Tags and Systems. To allow smooth operation, any unique names must be initialized to the database card before showing it to the user. The user can then either accept the suggested value or change it. The application must check that the entered ID name really is unique.

To initialize unique ID names to database cards, the scriptlib functions call a set of script functions in the 'set_defaults' script when a PD object (see PD objects) is inserted into a diagram.

The latest given position ID in each class is stored into the table DEFAULTS when the user selects OK in Modify Data > Edit.

Getting a Unique ID

The following functions return the next unique ID suggested by the generator via the argument list.

GEN_NEW_SYSID(string sys_id)


The new system ID (name) to be suggested to the user to accept.


GEN_NEW_PLINEID(string sys_id, string pl_id)


The name of the System to which the new pipeline ID will belong.


The new pipeline ID.


GEN_NEW_ITAGID(string sys_id, string t_id)


The name of the System to which the new instrument tag ID will belong.


The new instrument tag ID.


GEN_NEW_POSID(string tblname, string type, string sys, string groupname, /* inout */ listimage, typeimage)


The name of the main table.


The name of the sub-table


The name of the System.


The name of the pipeline, electric circuit, instrument tag or empty string, depending on the main table name.


Database image of the main table.


Database image of the sub-table.

Getting the Next Free ID

Because the user can edit the suggested ID value, it is possible that the user enters a non-unique position ID. The application checks the uniqueness, and if it is not unique it calls the script GET_UNIQ_xx to find the first free position ID of the given class.

GET_UNIQ_SYSID(/* out: */ string sys_id)


The unique system ID to be returned back to the calling scriptlib routine.


GET_UNIQ_PLINEID(string system, /* out */ string pline_id)


The name of the System to which the new pipeline belongs.


The unique pipeline ID to be returned to the calling scriptlib function.


GET_UNIQ_ITAGID(/* out: */ string system, string t_id)


The name of the System to which the new instrument tag belongs.


The unique instrument tag name to be returned to the calling scriptlib function.


GET_UNIQ_ID(string tbln, string type, string sys, string groupname, string menu_itm_data, string posid) 


The name of the main table.


The name of the sub-table.


The name of the System.


The name of the pipeline, electric circuit, instrument tag or empty string, depending on the main table name.


Key data associated with the object selection when inserting the PD object.


The unique position ID to be returned back to the calling scriptlib routine.

Incrementing the Current ID Counter Value

When a unique ID is given to a PD object, the insert routine calls a script to increase the current ID counter value.

INCREMENT_SYSID(string entered_sys_id)


The System ID whose counter is to be increased.


INCREMENT_PLINEID(string system, string entered_pl_id)


The name of the System to which the new pipeline belongs.


The pipeline ID value to be increased.


INCREMENT_ITAGID(string system, string entered_t_id)


The name of the System to which the new tag belongs.


The tag ID value to be increased.


INCREMENT_ID(string tbln, string type, string sys, string groupname, string menu_itm_data, string editedposid)


The name of the main table.


The name of the sub-table.


The name of the System.


The name of the pipeline, electric circuit, instrument tag or empty string, depending on the main table name.


Key data associated with the object selection when inserting the PD object.


The position ID string of the armature, electric circuit, equipment or instrument.

Scriptlib Functions for Position ID Generation

The script functions described above form the interface that the scriptlib functions call at run time. The project configuration defines what these functions internally do.

The scriptlib includes a set of functions for managing the generation of unique position IDs. These functions can be used in the initial setup as is done in the example environment or you can use your own tools.

The following concepts are related to the scriptlib default ID generator:


This is the key field in the DEFAULTS database table. The value of the class is specified in 'set_defaults'.


The prefix of the position ID string. The format of a position ID string is <prefix><ID number> where 'prefix' is a constant string inside one class and 'ID number' is an integer counter value that increases from object to object.


The default name string to be used for example as a position ID. It is generated by concatenating the prefix with a counter value.


The position ID the user has accepted (default ID or something else).


Record ID to the record storing the default information for this class. This is typically used when the counter is increased after the user has accepted an ID string. This is to avoid multiple searches.

The system consists of the following script functions that can be called from the script functions of the 'set_defaults' script:

GET_DEFAULT_ID(STRING class, STRING prefix, STRING defaultid)

Get the next free ID.


Increase the current value of the counter.

GET_FIRST_UNIQ_ID(string tbln, string class, string key field, string defaultid)


The name of the main table of the PD object the position ID of which is to be scanned.

key field

The name of the key field in the table. Typically PosId.

This function finds the first unique ID of a table. The table tbln is expected to have a key field Status.

This function calls back the function GET_POSID_FORMAT to 'set_defaults'.

All initial ID formats and counter values should be defined in that script. Formats are C printf formats.

In 'set_defaults':

GET_POSID_FORMAT(string class, string format, init_seed)


The class


Format of the ID number.


Class-specific initial counter seed.

Managing the Instrument Menu Item Data

The 2D symbols which draw the instrument bubbles take these arguments:

  • type (location)
  • instrument text (measured variable, modifier and function)
  • position ID (instrument tag + ID number)
  • superscript (a string printed to upper right of the instrument bubble)
  • subscript (a string printed to lower right of the instrument bubble)

The type and initial instrument text are coded into the menu item data, so this coded data must be decoded prior to opening the database entry for editing.

After the user has edited the data, the application must extract the possibly modified data from the database image to update the instrument bubble label.

DECODE_INST_MENUITM(string menuitm, /* out: */ string coded_loc, string text)


The menu item data (coded value for location and instrument text). This is a combination of the attributes of the Diagram Object Template.


The location code decoded out from menuitm.


The initial value for the instrument text.

This function decodes the type and text which is coded into the MenuItmData.

GET_INST_SYMPAR(img, /* out: */ string coded_loc, string text, string pos, string supersc, string subsc)


The database image of the instrument data. It includes the changes that were just made.


The location of the instrument as a coded value. This will be interpreted inside the 2D symbol.


The upper row of the instrument bubble.


The lower row of the instrument bubble.





This function retrieves the arguments of the bubble symbol from the edited database data image.